Friday, September 3, 2010

Park Loop Road: we road it!! (and Hurricane Earl approaches)

Baby Bear and Boo Boo are visiting for a short vacation this Labor Day weekend. Mama Bear and Baby Bear road the Park Loop Road this morning. We only did the loop, so the distance was just over 18 miles. We started early, and began with an uphill/rolling stretch that turned into a long uphill (up to the beginning of the road to the summit of Cadillac Mountain) and then a wonderful downhill followed by a killer hill just up from High Seas (a "summer cottage," i.e., many rooms, no heat - unless it has been renovated) and then the killer hill up to the Schooner Head road, and then an easy ride by Thunder Hole (it was booming today) and then back to our parking space. It was fantastic, and we celebrated with popovers at the Jordan Pond Tea House (and even remembered to bring popovers back to Papa Bear and Boo Boo.)

Hurricane Earl is approaching. Track continues to change but it looks like it might be a bit west of here, and we will have rain and wind during the overnight. We are likely to lose power and Internet and cable tv, but we now have a generator, and many games and puzzles, and food a plenty, so we should be fine (though it may be a couple days before I can post again.) The Park is taking precautions, too, closing some roads near the shore in an attempt to offer some viewing areas of the surf yet still afford safety for those doing the viewing.

The pictures today were taken with Mama Bear's Droid-X and show some of what Mama Bear and Baby Bear saw - a traffic jam on the Park Loop Road (some maintenance work had briefly closed both lanes), a view to Eagle Lake on the first long climb, surf at Thunder Hole, and our happy smiles upon completion of our ride.


  1. Here's hoping Earl is as big of a flop up there as it was down here. Have a great long weekend together, Bear Family!

  2. Thank you for the hopes!! We are having a great long weekend together, and will no matter what happens weather-wise.

    Weather Update:

    It is almost 8 a.m. We have power, Internet and cable. According to weather maps I have seen, we are dead-center in what remains of this tropical storm. We have heavy rain and a slight breeze at the moment, the center of the storm is well off-shore, there are no waves in the cove (despite it being just after high tide.) I believe current conditions are likely the worst we will see, though the wind has picked up just a bit in the last 15 minutes or so. This afternoon is suppose to be sunny! Mama Bear

  3. So, did Baby Bear bring her own bike or use Papa Bear's? Is that why only the girls made the enviable trek? Hurrah for you two! Looking for someone to play Euchre with us - might that be you?
    Keep dry!

  4. Baby Bear brought her own bike. We girls made the trek because we wanted to do it, the boys did not make they trek becaue they did not want to do it.

    Hmmm. Euchre. I suspect we can learn to play it and would love to have you and yours teach us!
